True Crime
by Samantha Kolesnik

"I was the black sheep, the sheep with teeth, the sheep even the wolf wouldn’t eat."
This book is not for everyone. It's grotesque, horrifying, depressing, and shocking. With the brutality of Cormac McCarthy and the cruelty of Jack Ketchum, Samantha Kolesnik wrestles the reins from men who have written about the heinous treatment of women and drives the cart right off a cliff.
The plot is a straight line that picks up speed almost immediately. There are no twists and turns, just terrifying developments that elicit audible gasps as Kolesnik crosses any and every boundary you might have.
These characters--though appalling--show that everyone is capable of love and hate. Part of the horror of True Crime is the sympathy you feel for someone capable of such destruction. Hurt people hurt people, and that is never so evident as it is here.
I loved this book. For fans of Ketchum, McCarthy, Barker, and Laymon, do yourself a favor and pick this book up. It's a quick read, which is a blessing, because I'm not sure if I'd be able to take another hundred pages of True Crime.